Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Chiseled tree…

soiled leaves…
a wind swept dream…
someone’s stolen eyepiece..
and someone’s else’s preciously guarded..
chiseled tree..

rotten memories..
broken wings..
someone’s lost whisper..
someone else’s cheated victory…
and that proud family’s
well protected from miscreants..
immune from the elements…
allergic to the fire ants…
but well enameled and chiseled..

falling autumn..
summer of famines unrelenting…
someone’s non stop contriving..
someone else’s tears gushing..
without a token limit….
and yet in the garden of leaden shadows…
and forgotten kisses…
that well loved tree..
enameled, chiseled ..
stands tall..
with its spines hungry..
to eat away at anyone’s peace…

lots of snow…
parked death machines…
ceaseless malice..
continuous marching..
someone’s fighting on the mahogany table..
someone else dying on the fiery fields…
yet the tree over there..
in that billionaire’s constantly under surveillance property..
well tended and pretty much arrogant…
to the smiling dreams…
stands proud…
and yet so feeble..
entrapped in its golden..
intricately carved..
well chiseled cage…
yet unable to come out….
for it was planted by a spirit evil..
the taker of a million spirits…
destroyer of a zillion dwellings..
cursed and cussed loud..
by all and sundry…
no doubt it's so well maintained…
for its the chiseled tree…
just living in a facade of myths..
not loved in universal reality…
to the wizened lords..
of the stars and the seas..

my thoughts..

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