Friday 9 September 2016


Faces on the oil…

The other day when the sun rose west…
And the boss said things craven…
And the debate was ringing..
About grammar and linguistic appropriateness…
And the wise where all opining with flourish..
About the follies of political incorrectness…
I visited a museum..
Yes a museum…..
A famed one…
A Grand old one…
Rusted by the fake praises of a million wasted brochures…..
And there i saw…
Pixelated …
In all stripes and colors…
Forged without thy caste and birth….
Unidentified with genetic malfunctions and hemophages..
Riddled without muting intellectual and manly disorders of the heart..
And hind….
So many faces…
Lots of faces…
All behaving..
To the standards set…
By the rich and the famous…
In oils filtered to perfection…
From the souls of the damned…
The pathetic..
The rapist…
The criminal…

So much of visual over stimulation…
Got me thinking like a rabid pitbull on steroids….
So much of classic compositions…
Got me ideating…
Like some scheming God forgotten by the people…
So much of stenching goodness…
Got me ringling…
Like an convulsed mass..
Of chained hopes and burnt kisses….
And i deduced…
After many a expletive…
And ablation to my impure body…
The casus belli behind why..
All and every face..
Hero …
And villain be always projected…
On the cursed lisp…
Of the deviants and the rejects…
I also….
After many a painstaking gash of velvet..
To the mythically scarred crosses..
Unearthed out..
Why saints must always risk..
The poverty of the sinners….
Why the oil of the insanious…
The ravaged…
The raped..
And the demonified..
Must always be used…
As a medium..
To produce…
To enforce..
To proclaim..
To reclaim..
What’s ideal…
What’s perfect…

But i couldn’t fathom one thing…
No amount of streaming lines…
Or calm, refined…
Sophisticated discussion..
Could lead me to a reasonable conclusion..about this…
One slight unimportant detail…
That perfection…
Are nothing but constructs of a biased mind…
A compromised conscience…
Spiteful and judgemental…
Vilified enough to curse all our lips and loins ..
To infinity of cursed virginity…
And therefore..
All these used, abused..
Recycled, murdered ideas..
Should be consigned to the dustbin…
Of timurid depravity….
Like why shouldn’t flesh be perfect…?
Why can’t sex be permissive…?
Why can’t dreams be beautiful…?
Why can’t villains endure immortality…
As opinion makers..of logic and cherished sanity…?

All these questions lead to only one answer…
A reduction as definite…as the lurching embrace of the Wolf-back mountains
A position as obdurate as the fact that jesus had a father…
And he that was never ever God….
That whatever we have been ..
Portraying today
in the name of much flowery..
Art and culture…
Is nothing but genocide of the alternative…
Slow cruel extermination of the abominations…
This has to stop…
The peans must be rewritten…
Judas must be honored…
Sin and sith must be praised…
Yang must be given an equal weightage along with yin…
And night must be celebrated…
Just as day……
And all the constructs on oil…
On wax…
On stone..
On nickel…
On verses..
On nerves..
Of faces and ordinances…
Of experiences and idioms…
Of wisdom and unproven knowledge…
Must be emulsified …
Into slithers of hapless ignominy…
For all of them…
Only lie
And keep on lying…
That vileness and gore is heaven…
While lickings and the sweetest of nectars…
Are nothing but monsters of some..
Unqualified shame….

My thoughts..


Faces on the oil…

The other day when the sun rose west…
And the boss said things craven…
And the debate was ringing..
About grammar and linguistic appropriateness…
And the wise where all opining with flourish..
About the follies of political incorrectness…
I visited a museum..
Yes a museum…..
A famed one…
A Grand old one…
Rusted by the fake praises of a million wasted brochures…..
And there i saw…
Pixelated …
In all stripes and colors…
Forged without thy caste and birth….
Unidentified with genetic malfunctions and hemophages..
Riddled without muting intellectual and manly disorders of the heart..
And hind….
So many faces…
Lots of faces…
All behaving..
To the standards set…
By the rich and the famous…
In oils filtered to perfection…
From the souls of the damned…
The pathetic..
The rapist…
The criminal…

So much of visual over stimulation…
Got me thinking like a rabid pitbull on steroids….
So much of classic compositions…
Got me ideating…
Like some scheming God forgotten by the people…
So much of stenching goodness…
Got me ringling…
Like an convulsed mass..
Of chained hopes and burnt kisses….
And i deduced…
After many a expletive…
And ablation to my impure body…
The casus belli behind why..
All and every face..
Hero …
And villain be always projected…
On the cursed lisp…
Of the deviants and the rejects…
I also….
After many a painstaking gash of velvet..
To the mythically scarred crosses..
Unearthed out..
Why saints must always risk..
The poverty of the sinners….
Why the oil of the insanious…
The ravaged…
The raped..
And the demonified..
Must always be used…
As a medium..
To produce…
To enforce..
To proclaim..
To reclaim..
What’s ideal…
What’s perfect…

But i couldn’t fathom one thing…
No amount of streaming lines…
Or calm, refined…
Sophisticated discussion..
Could lead me to a reasonable conclusion..about this…
One slight unimportant detail…
That perfection…
Are nothing but constructs of a biased mind…
A compromised conscience…
Spiteful and judgemental…
Vilified enough to curse all our lips and loins ..
To infinity of cursed virginity…
And therefore..
All these used, abused..
Recycled, murdered ideas..
Should be consigned to the dustbin…
Of timurid depravity….
Like why shouldn’t flesh be perfect…?
Why can’t sex be permissive…?
Why can’t dreams be beautiful…?
Why can’t villains endure immortality…
As opinion makers..of logic and cherished sanity…?

All these questions lead to only one answer…
A reduction as definite…as the lurching embrace of the Wolf-back mountains
A position as obdurate as the fact that jesus had a father…
And he that was never ever God….
That whatever we have been ..
Portraying today
in the name of much flowery..
Art and culture…
Is nothing but genocide of the alternative…
Slow cruel extermination of the abominations…
This has to stop…
The peans must be rewritten…
Judas must be honored…
Sin and sith must be praised…
Yang must be given an equal weightage along with yin…
And night must be celebrated…
Just as day……
And all the constructs on oil…
On wax…
On stone..
On nickel…
On verses..
On nerves..
Of faces and ordinances…
Of experiences and idioms…
Of wisdom and unproven knowledge…
Must be emulsified …
Into slithers of hapless ignominy…
For all of them…
Only lie
And keep on lying…
That vileness and gore is heaven…
While lickings and the sweetest of nectars…
Are nothing but monsters of some..
Unqualified shame….


Caras en el aceite ...

El otro día, cuando el sol se elevó al oeste ...
Y el jefe dijo cosas Craven ...
Y el debate estaba sonando ..
Acerca de la gramática y la adecuación lingüística ...
Y la sabia donde todos opinar con una copiosa ..
Sobre las locuras de la incorrección política ...
Visité un museo ..
Si un museo ... ..
Un famoso uno ...
Un Grand Old uno ...
Aherrumbrado por las alabanzas falsas de un millón de folletos desperdiciados ... ..
Y allí vi ...
Reflejada ...
Pixelada ...
Proyectada ..
Expresado ...
Sublimada ...
En todas las rayas y los colores ...
Forjada sin tu casta y nacimiento ....
No identificado con disfunciones genéticas y hemophages ..
Acribillada sin silenciar trastornos intelectuales y de hombres del corazón ..
Y Hind ....
Tantas caras ...
Un montón de caras ...
Todo comportarse ..
Conforme ...
Para los estándares establecidos ...
Por los ricos y los famosos ...
En los aceites filtrada a la perfección ...
A partir de las almas de los condenados ...
La patética ..
El violador ...
El criminal…

Gran parte de la estimulación visual sobre ...
Me hizo pensar como un pitbull rabioso en los esteroides ....
Gran parte de las composiciones clásicas ...
Me consiguió ideating ...
Al igual que algunos intrigante olvidado Dios por el pueblo ...
Gran parte de la bondad sustancia fétida ...
Me consiguió ringling ...
Al igual que una masa convulsa ..
De las esperanzas encadenados y besos ... quemados.
Y deduje ...
Después de más de un improperio ...
Y la ablación a mi cuerpo impuro ...
El casus belli de por qué ..
Todos y cada rostro ..
Héroe ...
Y el villano se proyecta siempre ...
En el ceceo maldito ...
De los desviados y los rechazos ...
Yo también….
Después de muchos un corte minucioso de terciopelo ..
Para los cruces míticamente con cicatrices ..
Desenterrado a cabo ..
¿Por qué santos siempre deben arriesgar ..
La pobreza de los pecadores ....
¿Por qué el aceite de la insanious ...
El devastado ...
El violada ..
Y la demonified ..
Siempre debe ser utilizado ...
Como medio ..
Para producir…
Hacer cumplir..
Para reclamar..
Lo que es ideal ...
Lo que es perfecto ...

Pero yo no podía entender una cosa ...
Ninguna cantidad de streaming de líneas ...
O calma, refinado ...
discusión sofisticada ..
Me podría dar lugar a una razonable conclusion..about este ...
Un pequeño detalle sin importancia ...
Que la perfección ...
No son más que construcciones de una mente sesgada ...
Una conciencia comprometida ...
Rencoroso y crítico ...
Vilipendiado suficiente para maldecir a todos nuestros labios y lomos ..
Hasta el infinito de la virginidad maldito ...
Y por lo tanto..
Todos estos usados, abusados ​​..
Reciclado, asesinada Ideas ..
En caso de ser consignado al basurero ...
De la depravación timurid ....
Como por qué no deberían ser humano será perfecta ...?
¿Por qué no puede ser permisiva sexo ...?
¿Por qué no pueden ser bello sueños ...?
¿Por qué no pueden soportar la inmortalidad villanos ...
Como la lógica y la cordura makers..of opinión preciado ...?

Todas estas preguntas conducen a una sola respuesta ...
Una reducción tan definido como el abrazo ... bandazos de las montañas del lobo-back
Una posición tan inflexible como el hecho de que Jesús tenía un padre ...
Y el que no fue nunca a Dios ....
Que todo lo que hemos estado ..
Esculpir ...
Lyrising ...
retratar hoy
en el nombre de mucho florido ..
Arte y Cultura…
No es más que el genocidio de la alternativa ...
Slow cruel exterminio de las abominaciones ...
Esto tiene que parar ...
Los peos deben ser reescritos ...
Judas deben ser respetadas ...
El pecado y la sith deben ser alabados ...
Yang se debe dar un coeficiente de ponderación igual a lo largo de con el yin ...
Y la noche se tendrá que celebrar ...
Así como día ......
Y todas las construcciones en aceite de ...
En la cera ...
En piedra ..
El níquel ...
En versos ..
En los nervios ..
De caras y ordenanzas ...
De experiencias y expresiones ...
De la sabiduría y el conocimiento no probado ...
Debe ser emulsionado ...
En slithers de ignominia desgraciado ...
Para todos ellos ...
Sólo mentira
Y seguir mintiendo ...
Que la vileza y el gore es el cielo ...
Si bien lamidos y el más dulce de los néctares ...
No son más que monstruos de algunos ..
vergüenza ... no calificado.

mis presentimos

Faces on the oil…

The other day when the sun rose west…
And the boss said things craven…
And the debate was ringing..
About grammar and linguistic appropriateness…
And the wise where all opining with flourish..
About the follies of political incorrectness…
I visited a museum..
Yes a museum…..
A famed one…
A Grand old one…
Rusted by the fake praises of a million wasted brochures…..
And there i saw…
Pixelated …
In all stripes and colors…
Forged without thy caste and birth….
Unidentified with genetic malfunctions and hemophages..
Riddled without muting intellectual and manly disorders of the heart..
And hind….
So many faces…
Lots of faces…
All behaving..
To the standards set…
By the rich and the famous…
In oils filtered to perfection…
From the souls of the damned…
The pathetic..
The rapist…
The criminal…

So much of visual over stimulation…
Got me thinking like a rabid pitbull on steroids….
So much of classic compositions…
Got me ideating…
Like some scheming God forgotten by the people…
So much of stenching goodness…
Got me ringling…
Like an convulsed mass..
Of chained hopes and burnt kisses….
And i deduced…
After many a expletive…
And ablation to my impure body…
The casus belli behind why..
All and every face..
Hero …
And villain be always projected…
On the cursed lisp…
Of the deviants and the rejects…
I also….
After many a painstaking gash of velvet..
To the mythically scarred crosses..
Unearthed out..
Why saints must always risk..
The poverty of the sinners….
Why the oil of the insanious…
The ravaged…
The raped..
And the demonified..
Must always be used…
As a medium..
To produce…
To enforce..
To proclaim..
To reclaim..
What’s ideal…
What’s perfect…

But i couldn’t fathom one thing…
No amount of streaming lines…
Or calm, refined…
Sophisticated discussion..
Could lead me to a reasonable conclusion..about this…
One slight unimportant detail…
That perfection…
Are nothing but constructs of a biased mind…
A compromised conscience…
Spiteful and judgemental…
Vilified enough to curse all our lips and loins ..
To infinity of cursed virginity…
And therefore..
All these used, abused..
Recycled, murdered ideas..
Should be consigned to the dustbin…
Of timurid depravity….
Like why shouldn’t flesh be perfect…?
Why can’t sex be permissive…?
Why can’t dreams be beautiful…?
Why can’t villains endure immortality…
As opinion makers..of logic and cherished sanity…?

All these questions lead to only one answer…
A reduction as definite…as the lurching embrace of the Wolf-back mountains
A position as obdurate as the fact that jesus had a father…
And he that was never ever God….
That whatever we have been ..
Portraying today
in the name of much flowery..
Art and culture…
Is nothing but genocide of the alternative…
Slow cruel extermination of the abominations…
This has to stop…
The peans must be rewritten…
Judas must be honored…
Sin and sith must be praised…
Yang must be given an equal weightage along with yin…
And night must be celebrated…
Just as day……
And all the constructs on oil…
On wax…
On stone..
On nickel…
On verses..
On nerves..
Of faces and ordinances…
Of experiences and idioms…
Of wisdom and unproven knowledge…
Must be emulsified …
Into slithers of hapless ignominy…
For all of them…
Only lie
And keep on lying…
That vileness and gore is heaven…
While lickings and the sweetest of nectars…
Are nothing but monsters of some..
Unqualified shame….
My thoughts..