Friday, 26 February 2016

Many hides of the poltergeist

the Winter winds hustled through the Ordovician crags of Tennessee ..
nestling with the barricaded chaos of the patriotic hubris …
and as the star spangled banner unfurled on the numb courtyards …
the poltergeist struck…
with faces as reprehensible
and  hides as despicable..
as resurrections of a malicious  yet messianic Buddha …

The streets of that forgotten ox town …
the streets of Berlin tennessee …
carved on the calcified bones of the Coachee Visions ..
inquisitioned over the dying screams of alien tempers
and benevolent Yamas…
forever waded through the blood of mudded reality …
with fractions to divide the black, the blue and the white …
until that disruptive moment arrived ….
when the unloved , unkissed , unmilked  poltergeist..
never weaved in with the quadrants  of the Libran epiphanies
rode  pillion on the soul of the empress of accursed marigolds
crucified with the memoirs of a trillion rouge Benadollanas…
raving with the essence of  darkest of pith..
and it stuck …
blazing and crushing…
scorching and thundering ..
barsh and rough…
like huddled lightening from an army of angered cirro-stratus   
infantile with whims and obsessions ..
and it never asked for an normal intermission..
in didn’t seek out the “Bad Nuts “
it just went on and one ..
with its sacred tasks
impassioned  by a million mocking moods…
smiling with the grace of a zillion bolts of uncalled for giveaways..
in breaths and heartfelt Mozarts …
showing off the ignored cards of the scorned joker…
enmeshed with the desecrated hides of many a pontifical angel …

and the town of Berlin…
built with the great Prussian discipline of Marusian purity..
god loving slayers of the castaway demons from the wombs unknown…
of crying Niger and Congo…
all content with the atlantean greed of the cold Appalachians ..
all showed off their deceptive homily of the sacrilegious signs  
as they welcomed the uninvited poltergeist …
with faces and ammonia contaminated …
with shrieks and suns compromised…
jostling in terror…
crouched into fetal fears and crumbling down pride.,..
blessed by the messiah of intradimensional infinity…
with warm muscles and expensive furs….
as the juices of depravity and millennial indignity
flowed down like vengeances of the long Repressed Columbia ….
hot, sloppy, melting, fluid,
the dreams that have been cold till now…
the roses that had felt old until now…
now felt young and virgin…
as they waited for hearty impregnation ..
of the honest Antichrist…
making the long dormant fires of cutaway wishes …
and exterminated bulls…
finally come alive …
asheing into dust…
all the rusted gold…
and the ironed bolted chains..
of the impeccable masks of ancient conceit ..
faces maked up and made up..
and hidden destitution of the biblical lies
alchemizing those merciless, sanitized, recommendable faces…
with their clunky asbestos of stingy stances and lauded statuses…
into infinite ripples of platinized creation..
filled with the brightest diamonds of unrequited hugs…
and lionized love…
until the moment , when the colors and the rainbows no longer hesitated
to bare open their lust and exhibit it's sultry actual  purity in unison  …
like messengers of an  unstoppable paragon….
with a quadrillion faces of joyful diversity …
and a pentillion tornadoes of vanquished  lilies and bouganvillas
of merriful equality
and rationalized contentment …..
all fighting for the grace of the netherworld ..
for sending in their best …
and thanking the unseen scents of the distant mirthful queens and temptresses..of the Glittery harems of  incandescent Tiazotheli  ..
for numbing their tortured bodies …
and sodomizing those deviant priests ..
before they could perform their catechisms ..
and exorcise the courageous seed of the one and only
with all their thick hides of solicitous hatred ..
of the unknown and the much reviled..

My thoughts..

Many hides of the poltergeist

the Winter winds hustled through the Ordovician crags of Tennessee ..
nestling with the barricaded chaos of the patriotic hubris …
and as the star spangled banner unfurled on the numb courtyards …
the poltergeist struck…
with faces as reprehensible
and  hides as despicable..
as resurrections of a malicious  yet messianic Buddha …

The streets of that forgotten ox town …
the streets of Berlin tennessee …
carved on the calcified bones of the Coachee Visions ..
inquisitioned over the dying screams of alien tempers
and benevolent Yamas…
forever waded through the blood of mudded reality …
with fractions to divide the black, the blue and the white …
until that disruptive moment arrived ….
when the unloved , unkissed , unmilked  poltergeist..
never weaved in with the quadrants  of the Libran epiphanies
rode  pillion on the soul of the empress of accursed marigolds
crucified with the memoirs of a trillion rouge Benadollanas…
raving with the essence of  darkest of pith..
and it stuck …
blazing and crushing…
scorching and thundering ..
barsh and rough…
like huddled lightening from an army of angered cirro-stratus   
infantile with whims and obsessions ..
and it never asked for an normal intermission..
in didn’t seek out the “Bad Nuts “
it just went on and one ..
with its sacred tasks
impassioned  by a million mocking moods…
smiling with the grace of a zillion bolts of uncalled for giveaways..
in breaths and heartfelt Mozarts …
showing off the ignored cards of the scorned joker…
enmeshed with the desecrated hides of many a pontifical angel …

and the town of Berlin…
built with the great Prussian discipline of Marusian purity..
god loving slayers of the castaway demons from the wombs unknown…
of crying Niger and Congo…
all content with the atlantean greed of the cold Appalachians ..
all showed off their deceptive homily of the sacrilegious signs  
as they welcomed the uninvited poltergeist …
with faces and ammonia contaminated …
with shrieks and suns compromised…
jostling in terror…
crouched into fetal fears and crumbling down pride.,..
blessed by the messiah of intradimensional infinity…
with warm muscles and expensive furs….
as the juices of depravity and millennial indignity
flowed down like vengeances of the long Repressed Columbia ….
hot, sloppy, melting, fluid,
the dreams that have been cold till now…
the roses that had felt old until now…
now felt young and virgin…
as they waited for hearty impregnation ..
of the honest Antichrist…
making the long dormant fires of cutaway wishes …
and exterminated bulls…
finally come alive …
asheing into dust…
all the rusted gold…
and the ironed bolted chains..
of the impeccable masks of ancient conceit ..
faces powdered and made up..
and hidden destitution of the biblical lies
alchemizing those merciless, sanitized, recommendable faces…
with their clunky asbestos of stingy stances and lauded statuses…
into infinite ripples of platinized creation..
filled with the brightest diamonds of unrequited hugs…
and lionized love…
until the moment , when the colors and the rainbows no longer hesitated
to bare open their lust and exhibit it's sultry actual  purity in unison  …
like messengers of an  unstoppable paragon….
with a quadrillion faces of joyful diversity …
and a pentillion tornadoes of vanquished  lilies and bouganvillas
of merriful equality
and rationalized contentment …..
all fighting for the grace of the netherworld ..
for sending in their best …
and thanking the unseen scents of the distant mirthful queens and temptresses..of the Glittery harems of  incandescent Tiazotheli  ..
for numbing their tortured bodies …
and sodomizing those deviant priests ..
before they could perform their catechisms ..
and exorcise the courageous seed of the one and only
with all their thick hides of solicitous hatred ..
of the unknown and the much reviled..

My thoughts..

                                                    Muchas pieles de los poltergeist
los vientos de invierno a empujones a través de los riscos del Ordovícico de Tennessee ..enclavado con el caos de barricadas de la arrogancia patriótica ...y como el himno americano desplegado en los patios entumecidos ...el poltergeist golpeó ...con caras tan reprobablesy se esconde tan despreciable ..como resurrecciones de un Buda malicioso sin embargo mesiánica ...
Las calles de esa ciudad buey olvidado ...las calles de Berlín Tennessee ...talladas en los huesos calcificados de la Coachee Visiones ..inquisitioned lo largo de los gritos agonizantes de los ánimos exóticasy benévolo Yamas ...siempre abierto paso entre la sangre de la realidad empastadas ...con fracciones para dividir el negro, el azul y el blanco ...hasta ese momento perturbador llegó ....
cuando el no querido, unkissed, poltergeist sin ordeñar ..Nunca tejida con los cuadrantes de las epifanías de Libra
montó Asiento del pasajero en el alma de la emperatriz de caléndulas malditoscrucificado con las memorias de un billón de rouge Benadollanas ...delirante con la esencia de la más oscura de la médula ..
y se pegó ...
ardiente y aplastamiento ...abrasador y atronador ..Barsh y áspera ...acurrucados como un rayo de un ejército de enojado cirrostratoinfantil con caprichos y obsesiones ..y nunca pidió un intermedio normales ..en no buscó la "mala Nuts"sólo fue en base y un ..con sus tareas sagradosapasionado por un millón de estados de ánimo de burla ...sonriendo con la gracia de un trillón de pernos de regalos fuera de lugar ..en respiraciones y Mozart sentidas ...mostrando las tarjetas ignorados del Joker despreciado ...enredado con los cueros profanadas de muchos un ángel pontificio ...
y la ciudad de Berlín ...construido con la gran disciplina prusiana de pureza Marusian ..dios amante de asesinos de los demonios náufrago de los vientres desconocidos llanto Níger y Congo ...todos los contenidos con la avidez de los Apalaches Atlante frías ..todos mostraron su homilía engañosa de los signos sacrílegas, que acogieron el poltergeist sin invitación ...con las caras y amoniaco contaminado ...con chillidos y soles comprometida ...empujones de terror ...agachado en miedos fetales y desmorona orgullo., ..bendecido por el mesías del infinito intradimensional ...con los músculos calientes y pieles costosas ....como los jugos de la depravación y la indignidad del mileniofluyó hacia abajo como venganzas de la Columbia largo tiempo reprimida ....caliente, descuidado, fusión, fluido,los sueños que han estado en frío hasta ahora ...las rosas que habían sentido antigua hasta ahora ...ahora se sentía joven y virgen ...mientras esperaban para la impregnación abundante ..del Anticristo honesta ...haciendo los fuegos latentes largo de deseos recortadas ...y toros exterminados ...finalmente, volver a la vida ...asheing en polvo ...todo el oro oxidado ...y las cadenas atornilladas planchada las máscaras de la antigua presunción impecables ..maked caras y componen ..
y oculta la miseria de las mentiras bíblicasalchemizing esas caras y desinfectadas, recomendables sin piedad ...con su torpe asbesto de las posturas y estados tacaños alabado ...en infinitas ondulaciones de la creación platinado ..lleno de los diamantes más brillantes de abrazos sin contrapartida ...y lionized amor ...hasta el momento, cuando los colores y los arco iris ya no dudaronabierta al descubierto su deseo y exhibir su pureza real sensual al unísono ...como mensajeros de un modelo de conciencia ... imparable.con un cuatrillón de rostros de la diversidad alegre ...y un pentillion tornados de lirios y buganvillas vencidosde la igualdad merrifulracionalizado y contento ... ..todos los que luchan por la gracia del mundo inferior ..para el envío de su mejor ...duende..y agradeciendo a los olores invisibles de las reinas alegres distantes y temptresses..of los harenes reluciente de incandescencia Tiazotheli ..para adormecer sus cuerpos torturados ...y sodomizar a aquellos sacerdotes desviados ..antes de que pudieran desempeñar sus catecismos ..y exorcizar la semilla valiente de la primera y única666 ....con todos sus gruesas pieles de odio solícita lo desconocido y la tan denostada ..
Mis pensamientos..
                                             Many hides of the poltergeist

the Winter winds hustled through the Ordovician crags of Tennessee ..
nestling with the barricaded chaos of the patriotic hubris …
and as the star spangled banner unfurled on the numb courtyards …
the poltergeist struck…
with faces as reprehensible
and  hides as despicable..
as resurrections of a malicious  yet messianic Buddha …

The streets of that forgotten ox town …
the streets of Berlin Tennessee …
carved on the calcified bones of the Coachee Visions ..
inquisitioned over the dying screams of alien tempers
and benevolent Yamas…
forever waded through the blood of mudded reality …
with fractions to divide the black, the blue and the white …
until that disruptive moment arrived ….
when the unloved , unkissed , unmilked  poltergeist..
never weaved in with the quadrants  of the Libran epiphanies
rode  pillion on the soul of the empress of accursed marigolds
crucified with the memoirs of a trillion rouge Belladonnas…
raving with the essence of  darkest of pith..
and it stuck …
blazing and crushing…
scorching and thundering ..
barsh and rough…
like huddled lightening from an army of angered cirro-stratus   
infantile with whims and obsessions ..
and it never asked for an normal intermission..
in didn’t seek out the “Bad Nuts “
it just went on and one ..
with its sacred tasks
impassioned  by a million mocking moods…
smiling with the grace of a zillion bolts of uncalled for giveaways..
in breaths and heartfelt Mozarts …
showing off the ignored cards of the scorned joker…
enmeshed with the desecrated hides of many a pontifical angel …

and the town of Berlin…
built with the great Prussian discipline of Marusian purity..
god loving slayers of the castaway demons from the wombs unknown…
of crying Niger and Congo…
all content with the atlantean greed of the cold Appalachians ..
all showed off their deceptive homily of the sacrilegious signs  
as they welcomed the uninvited poltergeist …
with faces and ammonia contaminated …
with shrieks and suns compromised…
jostling in terror…
crouched into fetal fears and crumbling down pride.,..
blessed by the messiah of intradimensional infinity…
with warm muscles and expensive furs….
as the juices of depravity and millennial indignity
flowed down like vengeances of the long Repressed Columbia ….
hot, sloppy, melting, fluid,
the dreams that have been cold till now…
the roses that had felt old until now…
now felt young and virgin…
as they waited for hearty impregnation ..
of the honest Antichrist…
making the long dormant fires of cutaway wishes …
and exterminated bulls…
finally come alive …
ashing into dust…
all the rusted gold…
and the ironed bolted chains..
of the impeccable masks of ancient conceit ..
faces powdered and made up..
and hidden destitution of the biblical lies
alchemizing those merciless, sanitized, recommendable faces…
with their clunky asbestos of stingy stances and lauded statuses…
into infinite ripples of platinized creation..
filled with the brightest diamonds of unrequited hugs…
and lionized love…
until the moment , when the colors and the rainbows no longer hesitated
to bare open their lust and exhibit it's sultry actual  purity in unison  …
like messengers of an  unstoppable paragon….
with a quadrillion faces of joyful diversity …
and a pentillion tornadoes of vanquished  lilies and bouganvillas
of merriful equality
and rationalized contentment …..
all fighting for the grace of the netherworld ..
for sending in their best …
and thanking the unseen scents of the distant mirthful queens and temptresses..of the Glittery harems of  incandescent Tiazotheli  ..
for numbing their tortured bodies …
and sodomizing those deviant priests ..
before they could perform their catechisms ..
and exorcise the courageous seed of the one and only
with all their thick hides of solicitous hatred ..
of the unknown and the much reviled..

My thoughts..