Thursday, 28 January 2016

Remonstrances with Titan….

a splash and gob over there..
a ripple and a echo over here..
the countless pages on an unedited diary…
and my silent remonstrances with the ever petulant Titan..

A brain that is numb…
a tear that just refuses to hum…
one automaton at a time..
as life drifts by..
as i persevere along…
with my epicurean remonstrations with the ..
ever corpulus Titan…

is the eternally uncharmed epiphany of my times…
lots of pageantry…
glories that never smile…
meaningless banter…
that fails to provide succour..
to faltering baneful
of cadaveric roses…
but that doesn't dither me...
for my bleeding remonstrances with the most
unbenevolent Titan…

Wheat remains wheat..
and rice remains rice…
as chunks of my rather omniscient existence…
melt off and drip by…
the past honkers along…
and ever silent and unremorseful presence…
in faces and words undetermined….
some call it dyslexia …
other’s terms it as interventions of the mercurial Satan…
but none recognise my energies…
or thy follies of the wise…
as i ponder along…
demanding forgiveness for the crimes of the moon-deprived night…
clinging to all my worthless remonstrances…
with the ever Manchurian Titan…
with every drop of my
prosperous cyanide..


               sidenotes …

faithfull copulation with reality..
gives rise to orphaned dystopia…
devoid of zephyrus milk …
paraded along skulls of the
incontrovertible sidelines…
and then forgotten with conviction prime…
as a side note of miscalculated justice…

blind obsession with formality..
leads to insult of courtesy…
being non responsive to the obvious…
leads to darkened oblivion for indolent dreams…
devoid of satanic fragrances ...
phenomenon and life…
shiver without the nurture of time…
never ever sleeping amongst the pleasure maidens..
of the apocalyptic Sith …
such graveless incidentalities …
forever linger along the sidelines of insanity….
turned into machines..
morphed into zombies incarnate…
forever they try…
amidst the churnings of the recalcitrant side notes…

relentless love with popularity…
leads to cheapening of the infinite…
when the special becomes used…
no wonder remains…
in romance with the mercurial nephilim…
when appearances recant for your soul…
then nothing exists except  for a sack of carbon and bauxite
you become the much adored…
but are deprived much…
from the destinies of the noble casanovas…
you turn into a slave of humble trivialities…
passing the ball ..
but prevented from divine strike…
the wars pass along…
with foxes hounding for every ounce of your untainted blood…
but the more you sacrifice your treasured nirvanas
of galliec wisdom…
the more you are avoided in the headlines…
and with fierce intensity you are exiled..
into the demonic normalcy of the tempestuous sidelines…
as one amongst the billions of …
castrated zygotes …
and coalified side notes…
ready to be the ever faithful assembly ..
for the next generation of intoxicated
and non conformist knights…
of humourless ever defeated..
maze of haphazard heart crushing..
dour contrite  termed in politically correct parlance…
as the order ordained from the words of the enlightened …
the ever enigmatic and the arrogant crucified…
but i don’t want to be a side note…
for i would prefer my asperger's..
to showstop…
and reach for the much alluded…
deck headlines….

Remonstrances with Titan….

a splash and gob over there..
a ripple and a echo over here..
the countless pages on an unedited diary…
and my silent remonstrances with the ever petulant Titan..

A brain that is numb…
a tear that just refuses to hum…
one automaton at a time..
as life drifts by..
as i persevere along…
with my epicurean remonstrations with the ..
ever corpulus Titan…

is the eternally uncharmed epiphany of my times…
lots of pageantry…
glories that never smile…
meaningless banter…
that fails to provide succour..
to faltering baneful
of cadaveric roses…
but that doesn't dither me...
for my bleeding remonstrances with the most
unbenevolent Titan…

Wheat remains wheat..
and rice remains rice…
as chunks of my rather omniscient existence…
melt off and drip by…
the past honkers along…
and ever silent and unremorseful presence…
in faces and words undetermined….
some call it dyslexia …
other’s terms it as interventions of the mercurial Satan…
but none recognise my energies…
or thy follies of the wise…
as i ponder along…
demanding forgiveness for the crimes of the moon-deprived night…
clinging to all my worthless remonstrances…
with the ever Manchurian Titan…
with every drop of my
prosperous cyanide..


               sidenotes …

faithfull copulation with reality..
gives rise to orphaned dystopia…
devoid of zephyrus milk …
paraded along skulls of the
incontrovertible sidelines…
and then forgotten with conviction prime…
as a side note of miscalculated justice…

blind obsession with formality..
leads to insult of courtesy…
being non responsive to the obvious…
leads to darkened oblivion for indolent dreams…
devoid of satanic fragrances ...
phenomenon and life…
shiver without the nurture of time…
never ever sleeping amongst the pleasure maidens..
of the apocalyptic Sith …
such graveless incidentalities …
forever linger along the sidelines of insanity….
turned into machines..
morphed into zombies incarnate…
forever they try…
amidst the churnings of the recalcitrant side notes…

relentless love with popularity…
leads to cheapening of the infinite…
when the special becomes used…
no wonder remains…
in romance with the mercurial nephilim…
when appearances recant for your soul…
then nothing exists except  for a sack of carbon and bauxite
you become the much adored…
but are deprived much…
from the destinies of the noble casanovas…
you turn into a slave of humble trivialities…
passing the ball ..
but prevented from divine strike…
the wars pass along…
with foxes hounding for every ounce of your untainted blood…
but the more you sacrifice your treasured nirvanas
of galliec wisdom…
the more you are avoided in the headlines…
and with fierce intensity you are exiled..
into the demonic normalcy of the tempestuous sidelines…
as one amongst the billions of …
castrated zygotes …
and coalified side notes…
ready to be the ever faithful assembly ..
for the next generation of intoxicated
and non conformist knights…
of humourless ever defeated..
maze of haphazard heart crushing..
dour contrite  termed in politically correct parlance…
as the order ordained from the words of the enlightened …
the ever enigmatic and the arrogant crucified…
but i don’t want to be a side note…
for i would prefer my asperger's..
to showstop…
and reach for the much alluded…
deck headlines….

Reconvenciones con Titan ....

un chapoteo y gob por allá ..
un murmullo y un eco por aquí ..
las páginas incontables en un diario inédito ...
y mis protestas silenciosas con el Titán nunca petulante ..

Un cerebro que está adormecida ...
una lágrima que sólo se niega a tararear ...
de un autómata a la vez ..
como la vida derivas por ..
como yo persevero a lo largo ...
con mis remonstrations epicúreos con el ..
jamás corpulus Titán ...

es la epifanía eternamente uncharmed de mis tiempos ...
mucha pompa ...
glorias que jamás la sonrisa ...
bromas sin sentido ...
eso no funciona para proporcionar socorro ..
al tambaleante funesta
de rosas de cadáveres ...
pero eso no me Dither ...
para mis protestas de sangrado con el más
Titan unbenevolent ...

El trigo sigue siendo el trigo ..
y el arroz sigue siendo el arroz ...
como trozos de mi existencia y no omnisciente ...
derretir y gotear por ...
a lo largo de los últimos honkers ...
y siempre en silencio y presencia no arrepentidos ...
en los rostros y palabras indeterminado ....
algunos lo llaman la dislexia ...
términos de otras como las intervenciones del mercurial Satanás ...
pero ninguno reconoce mis energías ...
o tus locuras de los sabios ...
Al meditar junto ...
exigiendo el perdón por los crímenes de la noche de luna privados ...
aferrándose a todas mis protestas inútiles ...
con el Titán nunca Manchuria ...
con cada gota de mi
cianuro próspera ..


                Notas al margen ...

cópula fiel con la realidad ..
da lugar a la distopía huérfanos ...
desprovisto de leche zephyrus ...
desfilado a lo largo de los cráneos de la
margen incontrovertibles ...
y luego olvidado con el primer convicción ...
Como nota al margen de la justicia calculado mal ...

obsesión ciega con formalidad ..
conduce al insulto de cortesía ...
no ser sensible a lo obvio ...
conduce al olvido oscuro para los sueños indolentes ...
desprovista de fragancias satánicos ...
fenómeno y la vida ...
temblar sin la crianza de tiempo ...
nunca duerme entre las doncellas de placer ..
de los Sith apocalíptica ...
tales incidentalities Graveless ...
siempre persistir a lo largo de las líneas laterales de la locura ....
convertido en máquinas ..
transformado en zombies encarnados ...
siempre intentan ...
en medio de las churnings de las notas al margen recalcitrantes ...

amor implacable con la popularidad ...
conduce al abaratamiento del infinito ...
cuando se acostumbra el especial ...
no es de extrañar permanece ...
en el romance con el nephilim mercurial ...
cuando las apariencias retractarse de su alma ...
entonces nada existe excepto por un saco de carbón y bauxita
usted se convierte en el más adorado ...
pero están privados habladores ...
de los destinos de los casanovas nobles ...
te conviertes en un esclavo de trivialidades humildes ...
pasando la pelota ..
pero impedido huelga divina ...
las guerras pasan a lo largo ...
con zorros acoso por cada onza de su sangre no contaminada ...
pero cuanto más se sacrifica sus nirvanas atesorados
de la sabiduría galliec ...
cuanto más se evitan en los titulares ...
y con feroz intensidad que está exiliado ..
a la normalidad demoníaca de las líneas laterales tempestuosos ...
como uno entre los miles de millones de ...
cigotos castrados ...
y notas laterales coalified ...
listo para ser el montaje siempre fiel ..
para la próxima generación de ebriedad
y los caballeros no conformistas ...
del sin sentido del humor siempre derrotados ..
laberinto del corazón irregular aplastamiento ..
adusto contrito denomina en el lenguaje políticamente correcto ...
como el orden ordenado de las palabras de los iluminados ...
el siempre enigmático y el crucificado arrogante ...
pero yo no quiero ser una nota al margen ...
para yo preferiría mi asperger ..
a showstop ...
y alcanzar los tan aludido ...
titulares de la cubierta ....

  mis pensamientos
Remonstrances with Titan….

a splash and gob over there..
a ripple and an echo over here..
the countless pages on an unedited diary…
and my silent remonstrances with the ever petulant Titan..

A brain that is numb…
a tear that just refuses to hum…
one automaton at a time..
as life drifts by..
as i persevere along…
with my epicurean remonstrations with the ..
ever corpulus Titan…

is the eternally uncharmed epiphany of my times…
lots of pageantry…
glories that never smile…
meaningless banter…
that fails to provide succour..
to faltering baneful
of cadaveric roses…
but that doesn't dither me...
for my bleeding remonstrances with the most
un- benevolent Titan…

Wheat remains wheat..
and rice remains rice…
as chunks of my rather omniscient existence…
melt off and drip by…
the past honkers along…
and ever silent and unremorseful presence…
in faces and words undetermined….
some call it dyslexia …
other’s terms it as interventions of the mercurial Satan…
but none recognise my energies…
or thy follies of the wise…
as i ponder along…
demanding forgiveness for the crimes of the moon-deprived night…
clinging to all my worthless remonstrances…
with the ever Manchurian Titan…
with every drop of my
prosperous cyanide..


               sidenotes …

faithfull copulation with reality..
gives rise to orphaned dystopia…
devoid of zephyric milk …
paraded along skulls of the
incontrovertible sidelines…
and then forgotten with conviction prime…
as a side note of miscalculated justice…

blind obsession with formality..
leads to insult of courtesy…
being non-responsive to the obvious…
leads to darkened oblivion for indolent dreams…
devoid of satanic fragrances ...
phenomenon and life…
shiver without the nurture of time…
never ever sleeping amongst the pleasure maidens..
of the apocalyptic Sith …
such graceless incidentalities …
forever linger along the sidelines of insanity….
turned into machines..
morphed into zombies incarnate…
forever they try…
amidst the churnings of the recalcitrant side notes…

relentless love with popularity…
leads to cheapening of the infinite…
when the special becomes used…
no wonder remains…
in romance with the mercurial nephilim…
when appearances recant for your soul…
then nothing exists except  for a sack of carbon and bauxite
you become the much adored…
but are deprived much…
from the destinies of the noble casanovas…
you turn into a slave of humble trivialities…
passing the ball ..
but prevented from divine strike…
the wars pass along…
with foxes hounding for every ounce of your untainted blood…
but the more you sacrifice your treasured nirvanas
of galliec wisdom…
the more you are avoided in the headlines…
and with fierce intensity you are exiled..
into the demonic normalcy of the tempestuous sidelines…
as one amongst the billions of …
castrated zygotes …
and coalified side notes…
ready to be the ever faithful assembly ..
for the next generation of intoxicated
and non conformist knights…
of humourless ever defeated..
maze of haphazard heart crushing..
dour contrite  termed in politically correct parlance…
as the order ordained from the words of the enlightened …
the ever enigmatic and the arrogant crucified…
but i don’t want to be a side note…
for i would prefer my Asperger's..
to show stop…
and reach for the much alluded…
deck headlines….

my thoughts